Monday, March 16, 2009


So I decided today that I was going to the doctor since my throat is still swollen,  I can barely swallow and I can feel the pus pockets deep down just wanting to pop open and ooze nastified stuff.  I know that sounds gross, but seriously there is no other way to describe it.  Every time I swallow I swear one is going to burst and I am going to choke and die on the oozing pus.  I should have gone to the doctor on March 5th when I first came down with this hideous sore throat but I honestly didn't think it was STREP!  I am praying the girls and hubby don't get it.


Photo Crazy! said...

Oh yuck! I am sorry. I think I had that years ago (8 I think) it stinks! The only good thing it that I lost weight over the Christmas break that year. Good luck!

Bre said...

Just finished eating lunch and after reading your post my lunch may revisit my mouth! Yuck! Hope you start to feel better though!