Wednesday, March 4, 2009

My Week So Far

Monday- Get Kiley to school, Hillary takes Brielle, I spend half the day at urgent care with Tylar.  She fell off her bike Sunday and her arm is still hurting.  Doc says it's not broken, gives her a sling and says to take some tylenol.

Monday Nite- Roxy won't eat her dinner, vomited,  and is NOT her hyper, playful puppy self...something is wrong.

Tuesday- Spend the day in and out of the vet...xrays and medication...$514 dollars later, vet says she should hopefully pass it through by Wednesday. Tylar's arm is still hurting...seriously???...your fine honey, it's just bruised.  It will feel better soon.

Wednesday- Roxy still won't eat, vomit and diahrea (sp?) and I am a total reck, bawling and gagging trying to clean her up and now the girls are crying.  I am so emotional over this little puppy I've only had for 2 months.  What's wrong with me??  I get kids to school and take Roxy to vet.  Doc says gonna do another xray and run other tests.  I run all day getting everything for Casey's baby shower I am having this weekend.  Pick Roxy up at 6:30.  She is looking a little better, 2 medications and special food to feed her.  Says I need to get another stool sample to them tomorrow and head to checkout counter...$162 dollars.  I go to feed our fish Golby and he is rings and Doc from urgent care says after going over Tylar's xrays again...her elbow is broken!  Off to the orthopedic doc tomorrow and hopefully Roxy will not need to be taken to the vet. 

I wonder how the rest of the week is going to be.  Hopefully it ends with a really good baby shower!!


Hanna said...

Oh my GOSH! You poor thing (and Ty and Roxy. . .and definitely the fish!) I hope EVERYONE feels better soon and you get a nice break this weekend.

MarcomsMadness said...

Holy crap! What is going on out there?!? I am so sorry you're having such a WEEK! Well, hopefully it won't get any & miss you!

Bre said...

Holy Moly!!!! Gosh Kizzy I'm so sorry! Talk about a pull your hair out kind of week you've had. I really hope it gets better and the baby shower turns out wonderful and everyone starts to feel better.

Photo Crazy! said...

Oh Man! You have had a week from heck! I hope you can get some rest and that everything gets better.

Shel said...

AMEN to all the abive comments! You need a vacation from life!! I think fish are having a rough time right now...someone just asked us to watch theirs today and it died already...SERIOUSLY?!?! Do I replace it?? Poor you...the vomit is bad enough without everything else...I hope that arm gets better QUICKLY!! Come over SOON! Miss ya!

brooke said...

OH MY GOODNESS LADY!!!! Seriously that is an insane way to start the week!! I can't wait to hear how it all turns out!!!

Unknown said...

When it rains, it poors! I'm so sorry to hear about your family's woes. I would be bawling right there with ya. There's something about a sick doggie that is extra sad. Maybe 'cause they can't tell you what's wrong?

Julianne said...

CRAZY!!! Dont you love weeks like that??? I heard the shower was nice so hopefully your week ended better than it started!