Monday, January 18, 2010

No Subject...just speaking my mind

I'm not so sure about facebook...I joined and it is completely freaking me out!!!  I'm not sure's just freaking me out!!!!

I do know that my youngest daughter might need to be medicated...seriously, she is like the tazmanian devil at night...too much chocolate milk during the day??  It's every night between 7 & 8~she bounces, spins, runs, screams, jumps, whistles, twirls and I'm pretty sure there is some karate chopping too.  I may just medicate myself...let the hubby deal with the crazy to see what good stuff is in the medicine basket!!


Brittney said...

I hear ya! Bri and Lil need to get together! I pretty sure she needs some drugs too!

Cindy said...

ha!!! she can go to Julianne's house, she has Colby doing the same thing, as for the facebook, don't let it take over your life, it can be a waste of time, that's my opinion!!! glad to see you doing one of your resolutions, blogging!!!!!

Hanna said...

Definitely medicate yourself. Knowing how most kids are, if you medicate Brielle, it would probably backfire anyway. ;) THIS is exactly why I can't ever give up diet coke (or pepsi - or whatever). It takes serious stamina to keep up with them.

Photo Crazy! said...

I know how that is the nightly wind-up before bed! I liked facebook alot at first, but it is not so exciting anymore...I would rather blog.

Unknown said...

I know what you mean about facebook. I've retired from the madness.

Bre said...

Oh my gosh...I know what you mean. My three year olds were literally bouncing off the walls tonight. I would give anything to have their energy.
Facebook is so 2009. I'm over it. Way too many people in my And I agree with what Cindy says can really can consume too much of your time. Especially, if you like to blog too. Have fun though.

abby said...

haha! that sounds like my life right now.

Katie, Jimmy and Ella said...

Great! That is what I have to look forward to!?! And don't let Facebook freak you out! It has been a great way to keep in touch with people. Especially people who aren't on the blogging bandwagon yet!