Wednesday, May 14, 2008

You know you're a BAD MOM when...

you surf the internet till 3 am...

your oldest daughter is trying to wake you up and you tell her they don't have to go to school today (especially when there is only one week of school left!)...

your daughter comes back into your room and says mom it's 9 o'clock school is starting....

you again, without opening your eyes, tell her she can have the day off...

she informs you that she is going to have orange folder work if she is not there by 9:30....

you decide to open your eyes and try to talk her out of going to school (isn't that what cool moms do?!?)....

she is dressed, pigtails and bows in her hair and she tells you she and her sister have eaten cereal and brushed their teeth and they need to get to school...

Can you say LOSER MOM! Or maybe I am a good mom, they are totally responsible! If they rode the bus I wouldn't even have to get out of bed!

You know you are a BAD MOM when you...

Behave the way I did this morning all because I was TIRED????
I got them to school at 9:20, so hopefully Tylar didn't have orange folder work!


abby said...

Kizzy, I have heard many many stories about you from Jamie and Matt. You have such darling girls! And that is a great story--what a responsible daughter. That's something I will no doubt do when my kids are in school.

Kizzy said...

Oh No! Stories from Matt and Jamie. I hope they were all good!

Dusty said...

As long as its not everyday I think it is totally acceptable. Jaiden only goes to preschool 3 days a week and I struggle getting her there by 9:00. About half way through the year she started waking me up frantic saying mom I'm going to be late for school.

Shel said...

Ok...I am bustin a rib over this!! What a STUD Mom you are to have such a responsible daughter!! Way to train her!! Nice job!!

Hanna said...

Ha! That is hilarious!
I guess Tylar will keep you in line - someone has to, right? :)