Tuesday, June 10, 2008


This morning Bri Bri woke up with this nastified infection on her chin. I was dressed and ready to head out the door to the gym at and it hit me that they might not let her go into daycare. I didn't know if it was infintigo (sp?) or something contagious so I called the doctor, which I don't do unless absolutely necessary, but I didn't want my child spreading something to other children. Of course they want me to bring her in at 10, so I head to the doctor, sit in the waiting room with this kid that is at least 5 years old and he is running in circles, jumping off the chairs, and well just being REALLY OBNOXIOUS! Anyway, the doc says it's just a scrape that probably got infected and to put neosporin and aquaphor on it. Nice waste of time and $10! and no muscle mix class for me today:( Her "ouchy boo boo"was hurting tonight and she fell asleep on the couch really sad.

1 comment:

Brittney said...

no fun!! She looks so darling though! AND can i say your yard looks fantabulous!